
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Celebrating Our Two Year Anniversary

For Geoff and I's second anniversary, I really wanted to go to Cavalia Odysseo. The company that puts on the show only comes to a couple locations in the U.S. a year, since they are based in Beijing. So when I heard that they were coming to Salt Lake (really came to Sandy, only 15 minutes away from where we live), I knew I had to jump on the opportunity.

Cavalia is basically Cirque du Solei with horses added in. I saw the original Cavalia show when I was 12 years old in Seattle, and I remember how amazing it was. So I knew this newer show wouldn't disappoint. And it didn't! The whole show was stunning. The visual effects and acts they performed were remarkable. This is the perfect show for any horse lover. Even Geoff, who was hesitant about going, thought it was great!

Preview of show:

I would definitely recommend this show to anyone who wants to see a show unlike anything they have ever seen before. It's a little pricey, but totally worth the money! Thanks to my wonderful husband for being a good sport and allowing us to have such a fun-filled evening :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Fun Zoo-iversary!

My parents, sister, sister-in-law, nephews and niece all drove down to Utah to spend a couple days enjoying Spring Break. Geoff and I spent the majority of our anniversary at the Hogle Zoo with all of them. It was nice and sunny, and my face definitely got some sun! I was able to use our nice camera to take some photos, and I just can't get over how good of quality they are. So I'm posting them on this blog to show them off!

General Conference Weekend

This past weekend was General Conference, and I always look forward to being uplifted by our prophet and apostle's messages. This conference was extra special, as we got to go with Geoff's parents who had never been to conference before! We went during the Saturday Morning session. It was exciting to see their reactions to the conference center and everything that comes with it.

Some of my favorite quotes from this conference (Top 20, ha!):

"If you listen with the Spirit, you will find your heart softened, your faith strengthened and your capacity to love the Lord increased."  - Henry B. Eyring

"There is no more important commitment in time or in eternity than marriage." - Henry B. Eyring

"The more distractions that surround us, the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, and then forget our connection with God." - Donald L. Hallstrom

"Our present circumstances may not change, but through God's compassion, kindness and love, we will all receive more than we deserve, more than we can ever earn, and more than we can ever hope for." - Dale G. Renlund

"Jesus did not say if rain descends, if floods come, and if winds blow, but when." - Dale G. Renlund (This talk though... SO GOOD!)

"While a child's earthly situation may not be ideal, a child's spiritual DNA is perfect." - Neil L. Andersen

"The 'merits, mercy and grace of the Holy Messiah' can help us triumph even the self-centered and selfish tendencies of the natural man and become more selfless, benevolent, and saintly."  - David A. Bednar

"May we ever choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong." - Thomas S. Monson

"We all need to seek to have our hearts and very natures changed so that we no longer have a desire to follow the ways of the world but to please God." - Bonnie L. Oscarson

"Challenges are at times an indication of the Lord's trust in you." - D. Todd Christofferson

"Living righteous principles will bring you and your family happiness, fulfillment and peace." - Quentin L. Cook

"His plan is to build us into something far greater than we were — far greater than we can ever imagine." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Great marriages are built brick by brick, day after day, over a lifetime." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"To be worthy does not mean to be perfect." - Gerrit W. Gong

"We take some solace in the fact that if God were to reward only the perfectly faithful he wouldn't have much of a distribution list." - Jeffrey R. Holland

"Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever." - Jeffery R. Holland (This talk as well was especially meaningful)

"The Savior knows how it feels to be a refugee — he was one." - Patrick Kearon

"The Lord did not make it easy, but He did make it possible." - Dallin H. Oaks

"Surely, today, in these trying times, each of us and our families need the temple more than anything else." - Kent F. Richards

"Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others — throw away the mirrors and look through the window." - Cheryl A. Esplin

Monday, April 4, 2016

Two Years!

Geoff and I have been married for two years today! It does not seem like that at all. This past year may not have been as exciting as our first, since we work non-stop it seems like, but it still was a great year. We moved into a bigger place, Geoff started a new job, and we love one another more than we did on our wedding day. I'm looking forward to spending many more anniversaries with the love of my life for years to come :)